There are those who claim we have these evil, tortuous "foreign enemies" overseas and in other countries. These mysterious and elusive "enemies" are usually claimed to be "hiding out" in some non-descript settings and are said to be hard to find. Yet, the facts are, US (United States) of Amerikkka, was created by a bunch of spanish, french, european, and moorish, criminally insane rapists, thieves, murderers and degenerates who migrated to this already occupied land. Throughout their raping, pillaging and plundering of the natives here, as well as the Afurakan/Afuraitkaitnit that were transported here by several slave ships, such as the "good ship jesus" (Yeah. jeebus was used to kidnap and transport black people over into Amerikkka to hold as prisoners of war and free labor).
Now forward to what is known as "2015" on the white male's calendar, Amerikkka is inhabited by not only the descendants of the spanish, french and europeon degenerates who immigrated here but also the black and muratto (the correct way to pronounce mulatto) descendants of the prisoners of war who the degenerate whites forced to come here against their will, as well as forced into submission and acceptance of this disordered situation. Mixing their filthy genetically recessive blood with the Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut and creating sick, depraved, insane half breeds. Now because of this, these degenerate half breeds and/or disordered negroes (Sambos) have grown some type of affinity for their tainted bloodlines and brainwashing, and are thusly, easily manipulated. So, just as on the plantation, the slaveowners created "plantation politics", to create tension, jealousy and divisions between the slaves and to get them to commit criminal acts of genocide against one another for ill gotten gains, bribes and favors, the same evil dynamics and tactics linger on today. Black people of all economic statuses are being coerced into committing domestic terrorism RIGHT HERE on the soils of the self claimed "land of the free; home of the brave. The real terrorists reside in your unsuspecting black neighborhoods. They're your next door and upstairs neighbors. They are your backstabbing relatives, jealous friends and associates, who are approached with greedy propositions, bribes and sometimes threats, by law enforcement officials, government agents, military personnel and representatives from secret societies, who are in service to the whites and their offspring and who work for white supremacy racism and its painstaking efforts to survive.
This being the case, the next time you here reports on "terrorism" and "terrorists", don't jump to look outside of the borders of North Amerikkka. Take an inquisitive look across the dinner table at "cousin Al". Observe the neighbors behaviors next door. Question the members of your church group. Keep a close eye on your barber or beautician. Anybody and everybody close to you or who you frequently see or communicate with on a daily or regular basis because these are the ones that are usually hired, bribed or even threatened to commit acts of domestic terrorism on mostly unsuspecting targets. Those being targeted are usually nonwhite/black, spiritually, politically, economically and/or socially conscious individuals who have stood up and spoken up against injustice, criminal acts and abuse being committed by the white race and their lapdogs (their servant coloreds and negroes). Yes. Terrorism DOES EXIST but you should never again make the assumption that it only exist in foreign lands and outside of North Amerikkka...Terrorism is RIGHT HERE! Alive and torturing its opponents and opposers! War crimes abound! Fore, THEM IS US (UNITED SNAKES) and US IS THEM...
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