phi·lan·thro·py fəˈlanTHrÉ™pÄ“ / noun the desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed especially by the generous donation of money to good causes. synonyms: benevolence, generosity , humanitarianism, public-spiritedness, altruism , social conscience , charity , charitableness, brotherly love , fellow feeling , magnanimity , munificence , liberality , largesse , openhandedness, bountifulness, beneficence, unselfishness, humanity , kindness , kindheartedness, compassion ; The greatest philanthropist recognizes the needs of not every being but of their own kind. They see the need and then contributes according to that lack and/or necessity. The philanthropist gives where they see a lack. They fill in where the need is great, giving to those in abject poverty, the indigent, as well as those who just need a push to get them going amongst their own kind. These areas ar...
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