Philanthropy-An Investment In Your Own

  1. the desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed especially by the generous donation of money to good causes.
    synonyms:benevolence, generosity,humanitarianism, public-spiritedness,altruismsocial consciencecharity,charitableness, brotherly lovefellow feelingmagnanimitymunificence,liberalitylargesseopenhandedness,bountifulness, beneficence,unselfishness, humanitykindness,kindheartedness, compassion;

The greatest philanthropist recognizes the needs of not every being but of their own kind. They see the need and then contributes according to that lack and/or necessity. The philanthropist gives where they see a lack. They fill in where the need is great, giving to those in abject poverty, the indigent, as well as those who just need a push to get them going amongst their own kind. These areas are where the donater proceeds in building what is missing among his or her own kind in order to assure improvement, growth, good health and continuity in what they are basically investing in and this also assures in many ways the health, happiness and survival of the one who has donated and in essence puts their wealth to work for themselves.

Good reputation, positive energy, appreciation and gratitude from the giver and receiver is an investment in the present which affects the future, in which it will behoove the giver to donate to their own kind, therefore in essence, sustaining the security,  happiness, longevity of said giver and those who are kindred in essence and spirit to the philanthroper maintaining alikes. Do for your own, Black peoples. This assures OUR survival and happiness. Stop giving to those entities and beings (time, energy, finances, resources, attention) outside of yourself, therefore cultivating, nurturing and maintaining those things, entities and beings that only leech, harm, sicken and eventually turn in on you, bringing your demise while feeding and energizing themselves. STOP BEING FOOD FOR THE SLAUGHTER for that which is outside of your natural self. Ashe


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