The Government, Paid Informants and Covert Murder Tactics
As a related weapon system, ray weaponry was defined as the system of weapons based on the powerful sources of electromagnetic, acoustic, laser, and other types of energy generators. The first devices were quite simple: the emission was used to destroy this or that system in the human body. The ensuing development produced more sophisticated results: the ray of energy was modulated in accordance with certain biosystem parameters which impose irreversible transformative regimes on the system. For example, t he generation of ultrasound frequencies which resonate with the oscillation patterns of inner organs, cause acute pain and can result in lethal in juries.
In the beginning of 1992, a group of scientists from the Rostov Medical Institute and the Biotechnology Research Institute, directly associated with psychotronic programs, put forward a petition demanding the elimination of the use and production of psychotronic generators. These institution s had at least a decade of experience of research in the sphere of the alteration of biological tissue resistance under the conditions of co-axis influence of electromagnetic and high frequency radiation. In practice, t he application of their research, which made them shut down any further investigation, was the possibility of the remote manipulatory access to the structuring level of the environments of human organisms.
One of the main principles of psychotronic technology is the correlation of human biological activity and the activity of a technological complex. As elements of the economy of abstract defense, psychotronic generators are characterized with the spatialization of concepts in the context of t he synthetic neurosimulation of space. Thus, the space of references becomes the space of replication, forming the hyperreal complex of neurospatial material by binding the atoms of human perception and processing with atoms of technological data development.
They are using these technologies against and on the general public not just "criminals" as they lyingly claim. These tactics are being used to control, punish and murder the "undesirables" of the populace:
The government, in conjunction with law enforcement agencies, are covertly using neurological technology/weapons on civilians and the public. They are directing these attacks on anyone that they feel are a threat to their wicked, illegal system. I have been "researching" on victims of this myself, for the past 16 months now. There is one story about an "African" American woman, whose upstairs neighbors are paid informants who have been working with law enforcement in "her" area and smirkingly been committing inhumane acts for law enforcement against "her," but what do you do when you are a target of these wicked entities who are continually following you, spying and eavesdropping on you through illegal tactics and they know this and know that "you" know. WHO DO YOU REPORT THE GOVERNMENT TO?!!?
Non-lethal weapons
Main article: Non-lethal weapons
The TECOM Technology Symposium in 1997 concluded on non-lethal weapons, "determining the target effects on personnel is the greatest challenge to the testing community", primarily because "the potential of injury and death severely limits human tests".[46]
Also, "directed energy weapons that target the central nervous system and cause neurophysiological disorders may violate the Certain Conventional Weapons Convention of 1980. Weapons that go beyond non-lethal intentions and cause "superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering" may also violate the Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions of 1977."[47]
Some common bio-effects of non-lethal electromagnetic weapons include:
- Difficulty breathing
- Disorientation
- Nausea
- Pain
- Vertigo
- Other systemic discomfort.
Interference with breathing poses the most significant, potentially lethal results.
Light and repetitive visual signals can induceepileptic seizures. Vection and motion sickness can also occur.
Cruise ships are known to use sonic weapons (such as LRAD)
I have often heard of incidents where victims of domestic terrorism have explained that they have heard their neighbors upstairs pushing around items that sound heavy. Shortly afterwards, they would either hear loud, discomforting sounds that they have said emit heavy, painful vibrations that cause headaches and/or difficulty breathing as well as pressure in the head area and muscle and back pains. Many of the neighbors know that there are paid snitches/informants in their neighborhood but they say nothing and enable these victimizers abusive and illegal behaviors. It is believed, that they are being paid off by 'unlawful enforcements' to turn their heads to this injustice.
This is the painful price the victims pay for being truth-tellers and exposers of injustices. This country is nothing but a prison camp and MANY, ARE PRISONERS OF WAR. Therefore, as in any war, they have been using implements of torture against many truth tellers, yet, "they" endure and CONTINUE to tell the truth though "they" suffer TERRIBLE CONSEQUENCES for doing so. This also makes them "Soldiers of War."
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