Demands Are Powerless Without the Ability to Command
As a people, Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut have to learn to start commanding before we can demand anything. We should have learned that from the failing Civil Rights Movement. All of the demands that the Black race made are null and void and serving everyone else but Blacks! The marching, picketing, protests, letters to government and its officials, etc., was a practice in futility and we are truly no better off than where we left off since our enslavement to the white racist system and its enforcers. You can make all of the demands you want but if you don't have the force, resources, finances, and power to command and enforce your demands into reality, then your demands are just weak and ineffective shouts into a bottomless pit and no one will here them but you.
Commanding means taking control of a situation and the only way that that can be accomplished, is through force and power. The only way to attain these vehicles into production is through a unified group dynamic of like beings who have the same experiences, interests, energy and focus. Like attracts like, which successfully gets the work done and goals accomplished. This is how those in power attain power and keep power! Black, Nubian, Kemeti, Tameri, Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut, people...PLEASE SNAP OUT OF YOUR SLUMBER, before you all wake up DEAD! Adua
Commanding means taking control of a situation and the only way that that can be accomplished, is through force and power. The only way to attain these vehicles into production is through a unified group dynamic of like beings who have the same experiences, interests, energy and focus. Like attracts like, which successfully gets the work done and goals accomplished. This is how those in power attain power and keep power! Black, Nubian, Kemeti, Tameri, Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut, people...PLEASE SNAP OUT OF YOUR SLUMBER, before you all wake up DEAD! Adua
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