Emotional Sterility
Emotional sterility: The inability to express intense or deep feelings; incapability to identify with the state of mind or personal thoughts of others; inability to connect with the emotional state of others. Emotional sterility can cause a person to be detached or cut off from a situation, often making a person insensitive or unable to identify with the emotions, thoughts or plights of others. What some may refer to as "coldblooded" or even "heartless". This can make such a person hold biases, opinions and perceptions about others in an unfair manner that may not be completely based in reality, if in reality at all. Such lack of affection or emotional distance can lead these ones who can be said to "have an icebox where their heart used to be" to suffer from clouded or tainted vision, as well as causing such ones to be one-sided or intolerant (prejudice) in a bigoted way. This can contribute to a person not being able to see the entire picture or the bigger picture. To be a whole person, with mature understanding/innerstanding/ overstanding, we must have balance. Thus being so, we not only must possess logic and linear thought processes but they must also be tendered with the ability to be intuitive with the capability to bring something full circle. In such a case, being able to see the full picture, three hundred sixty degrees. This will prevent us from becoming petty and immature, preventing the possibility of us feeling the childish need to compete and/or being in conflict with those we would otherwise recognize the value in them, as well as in the value of building with these possible kindred spirits and beings.
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