The Nature of Change
Just as systems, situations and such are put into place and enforced, these same structures can be destroyed, removed and replaced with a new and corrected structural creation. The rise and fall of former dynasties, kingdoms, empires and governmental structures and infrastructures in trustory (Black His/Herstory) and his-story (white racists imperialism), is the certified proof of this reality.
The only way these structured systems remain in place is through the energy, focus and will of the majority of those who agree with, participate in, protect and contribute in favor of said arranged establishment. The law of the Universe is the law of the macrocosm in conjunction with the microcosm. "As above, so below"; "As within, so without". Things in this realm are subject to go through cycles, just as other planetary figures and forces are subjected to cycles, that are bound to bring about change, revolution. "What goes around, comes back around". To some these sayings are just quotes or cliches but to those with wisdom, they know these supposed "cliches" have merit and are based in real laws of the Universe. This being the case, many are comfortable when they really shouldn't be...We as humanity, mankind and his failed society and nature herself, has approached the ending of a cycle of time and the coming of another one. The removal of what is old, useless, unproductive and plain just played out and the rise of something greater, refreshing, much longed for by many carbon, abatumm (+melanin rich beings) and what is to be lasting and beneficial, healthy and balanced. These sorely needed changes are based in Maati laws and prefecture.
This is the nature of cycles, because this is the Nature of The Supreme, Beneficent, Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent Being. Ashe
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