One of the Biggest Hoaxes in Existence

WHUT'SS UP WIT YA!?? Yes. It has been a while but HERE I AM! Had a thought a couple of mornings ago.

 If race doesn't matter, then why do they ask you "what is your race " on every form and application that you fill out?? From job applications, to health and car insurance forms, applications for welfare assistance, even on surveys, they want to know "what is your race"?... Race ALWAYS MATTERS on these papers that you have to sign your name to in order to receive ANYTHING from white folks and their businesses and corporations. Up until the time you have had enough of their abusive and unfair practices and get ready to kick a crakkkka up their pink, pale ass and get fed up with white folks and their shit, then ALL OF A SUDDEN, they want to protest about how RACE DOESN'T MATTER and how unimportant it is!  

Ukraine Nationalists

This is totally false and entirely contrary to what they plainly and evidently put in black and white on just about every form, application and contract that the crakkka INSISTS  must be signed (on some papers it says "optional" yet they still put it, hoping that most people will voluntarily give this information) in order for people in this country to receive services. The only people these peckerwoods feed that "race doesn't matter" bull crap to is Blacks!!! This is how they have kept their grip on Afurakanu (African) people for so long now, by playing on our spirit's emotions and our willingness to accept everything and everyone because we come from a place of oneness, peace and unity. Black folks inherently don't like hassles or anything that disrupts peace, nevertheless, because of conditioning through slavery, violation, perversity and brainwashing, our sense of justice for ourselves has been corrupted. Therefore, we accept unfair and even barbaric treatment from other races, beings and people that we shouldn't ever accept in any way, shape or form.

Every other race has come to the realization of what is most important for their people...PRESERVATION and SURVIVAL. Though they may not agree on some things, they have recognized the importance of putting petty matters and differences aside for the sake of their individual races!!! Practices in unity, comradery, and allying together for a common cause/goal. These other races are constantly encouraged to work together with their own kind. On the other hand, blacks/Afurakanu/Africans are ALWAYS encouraged, by other races, mind you, to do the TOTAL OPPOSITE! This is a political, social and war tactic, "Divide and Conquer", to keep Black people, Afurakanu, enslaved to these other races that have been feeding and benefitting off of our SoulPower for millenia now. We are the only peoples encouraged to accept everyone and everything, even when it goes against our best judgment, interests and conscious. The Black race went from being physically enslaved and imprisoned by chains, to becoming a "chain of fools".
Found this picture under the title " Black Solidarity ". YET, as you can see, there are CLEARLY those of OTHER races in the picture. Other races ALWAYS find their way into Black peoples causes. They NEVER want US to have anything to ourselves. This is TOTALLY contrary to the other pictures you see above of other Non-Black races.


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