The Food Chain-Where Are You On It?
There are those amongst us who can be considered "crabs" or are in the position of "crabbing "; pulling down upon and pulling back their own kind in order to keep them from progressing. The thing these particular entities and/or people should keep in mind is that crabs are definitely a part of the food chain and can be considered predators, no doubt. In the same breath, they are also towards the bottom of that chain as well, which common sense would dictate that this being the case, this could only mean their are predators ABOVE the crab/s on the food chain that are bigger, stronger and much more of a threat than the crab/s and can easily take out the crab/s and other beings below them. One of the higher predators of the crab that comes to mind are birds. Birds devour crabs. Hawks for instance, I am sure would love to feast upon the crab/s and will. This brings me to the ntoro/gods Heru, Heru Behudet and Mentu Ra, who all are hawk headed deities. Heru in his ...