
Showing posts from 2015

Neglect Breeds Rebellion

These "high profile " middle aged and older black male leaders in different factions of black affairs (black consciousness community, religious organizations, politics, etc.) who are scared to train up the youth to become leaders because they fear they will become irrelevant and/or forgotten, lack long range vision. This is one of the main reasons the black community fails. When these youth realize that their elders and "leaders" are only self-interested, greedy, dictators and tyrants, the youth will become fed up and rebel. These young ones will destroy those who don't support them, neglected them and sold them out to white racists imperialism. Then they will take over anyways and the elders will become hated and still become irrelevant and destroyed. You self-centered, greedy, cult of personality middle aged and senior black leaders better get off of your ivory towers and direct those youth "in the ways they should go" before you pay for it ....

Philanthropy-An Investment In Your Own

phi·lan·thro·py fəˈlanTHrÉ™pÄ“ / noun the desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed especially by the generous donation of money to good causes. synonyms: benevolence,  generosity , humanitarianism,  public-spiritedness, altruism ,  social conscience ,  charity , charitableness,  brotherly love ,  fellow feeling ,  magnanimity ,  munificence , liberality ,  largesse ,  openhandedness, bountifulness,  beneficence, unselfishness,  humanity ,  kindness , kindheartedness,  compassion ; The greatest philanthropist recognizes the needs of not every being but of their own kind. They see the need and then contributes according to that lack and/or necessity. The philanthropist gives where they see a lack. They fill in where the need is great, giving to those in abject poverty, the indigent, as well as those who just need a push to get them going amongst their own kind. These areas ar...

Black IS Beautiful. Ask the Black and Brown Beauty Mark.

Jayne Mansfield Marilyn Monroe Madonna Madonna's ho azz again with a "beauty mark" under left side of lip Cindy Crawford Elizabeth Taylor Unknown crakkka Wench   If being black is sooo bad and such a negative thing, then why do white women covet having a brown or black "beauty mark" so badly? I think this trend may have started with Marilyn Monroe. Jane Mansfield may have had one as well. Moving on to Madonna in the eighties and early nineties. It has been said Marilyn may have had facial surgery to "improve" her looks for the industries agendas (The blonde bimbo look). Jayne Mansfield used makeup to create her "beauty mark effect and Cindy Crawford, the model, who just happened to have been born with a huge one on her face which whites rant and rave about in a positive manner. Even black women have been known to follow this fad back in the days when it was fashionable. They would use an eyeliner pencil or mascara...

Deprivation, Desperation, Then, Dumbing Down

Black people have been deprived so long of wealth and even basic human necessities through slavery and oppression (by arabs, spaniards, europeons, which are all different groups of white beings) that instead of black people creating and growing their own products (clothing, food, toiletries, etc.) to fulfill their needs, desires and wants, they hungrily accept anything from their oppressors (non-blacks) that make them feel accepted and trying to keep up with the Jonses (though the Jonses are white and obviously have "white priveledge" that evidently in a white racist imperialist world gives them automatic passes for power, wealth, benefits and riches) and makes these black people feel like they have come up in life. This feeling is nothing more than emotionalism and is not based on logic and true intelligence, therefore not based in reality. Also, because Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (Black) people have been denied their humanity, being deprived of self-respect, fair...

The Black Race-The Roach In the Window Being Observed By Others

The picture above is a young Afurakaitnut (black) female in the tenaments in which I inhabit, unfortunately. She is strung out. Gone off something that has her consciousness seriously imbalanced and altered. A prime example of what most of the Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Black race) has become... Zombies. (The video may or may not work. There is no guarantee with all the censoring on pages like mines, that expose truth.) I was sitting in the living room and was urged by my spirit to get up and look out the window. As you can see, there is a black male standing over the young female, the only one who showed any concern for her. Maybe he's her boyfriend or just a rare concerned being. I don't know. She is evidently under the influence of some substance that has her incapacitated. Also observe how the two other black males in the video just pass on by as though this is a natural experience. Well, to an enslaved, abused , terrorized, brainwashed people, I suppose it i...

The Food Chain-Where Are You On It?

There are those amongst us who can be considered "crabs" or are in the position of "crabbing "; pulling down upon and pulling back their own kind in order to keep them from progressing. The thing these particular entities and/or people should keep in mind is that crabs are definitely a part of the food chain and can be considered predators, no doubt. In the same breath, they are also towards the bottom of that chain as well, which common sense would dictate that this being the case, this could only mean their are predators ABOVE the crab/s on the food chain that are bigger, stronger and much more of a threat than the crab/s and can easily take out the crab/s and other beings below them. One of the higher predators of the crab that comes to mind are birds. Birds devour crabs. Hawks for instance, I am sure would love to feast upon the crab/s and will. This brings me to the ntoro/gods Heru, Heru Behudet and Mentu Ra, who all are hawk headed deities. Heru in his ...

The Nature of Change

Just as systems, situations and such are put into place and enforced, these same structures can be destroyed, removed and replaced with a new and corrected structural creation. The rise and fall of former dynasties, kingdoms, empires and governmental structures and infrastructures in trustory (Black His/Herstory) and his-story (white racists imperialism), is the certified proof of this reality. The only way these structured systems remain in place is through the energy, focus and will of the majority of those who agree with, participate in, protect and contribute in favor of said arranged establishment. The law of the Universe is the law of the macrocosm in conjunction with the microcosm.  "As above, so below"; "As within, so without". Things in this realm are subject to go through cycles, just as other planetary figures and forces are subjected to cycles, that are bound to bring about change, revolution. "What goes around, comes back around"....

Demands Are Powerless Without the Ability to Command

As a people, Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut have to learn to start commanding before we can demand anything. We should have learned that from the failing Civil Rights Movement. All of the demands that the Black race made are null and void and serving everyone else but Blacks! The marching, picketing, protests, letters to government and its officials, etc., was a practice in futility and we are truly no better off than where we left off since our enslavement to the white racist system and its enforcers. You can make all of the demands you want but if you don't have the force, resources, finances, and power to command and enforce your demands into reality, then your demands are just weak and ineffective shouts into a bottomless pit and no one will here them but you. Commanding means taking control of a situation and the only way that that can be accomplished, is through force and power. The only way to attain these vehicles into production is through a unified group dynamic  of l...

Rethinking Traditions For Traditions Sake

I was thinking about the rituals and traditions that many practitioners of Black/African religions/paths are involved in, some respectfully, some not so. In particular, the serving of rum as libations or offerings as well as cigars and cigar smoke to the ancestral spirits. It came to me that maybe these "traditional" products aren't appropriate offerings to our spiritually cultivated ancestors and ancestresses (the Egungun in the Yoruba tradition, *Nananom Nsamanfo in the Akan (*as I learned from studying materials by Kwesi Ra Nehem Ptah, Akhan, Odwirafo), *Kuvito in the Fon, Ntoru/Ntorotu in Khemit, etc. If anyone that knows the history of slavery, The MAAFA, The Black Holocaust, *the Great Perversity, it is known that rum was introduced to the Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut, Black race by the white alien mutant albino oppressors. They also forced our people to work in their rum factories and pick tobacco in their tobacco fields. Many of our people died in these fields and ...


Covert programming of white supremacy racism: When the pale face mutants get Blacks and colored people to deceive, sellout and murder one another for the chance to accrue exorbitant amounts of debt, better known as paper money or dollar bills with pictures of dead, glorified crakkkazzz on them. This is just one of the many ways that the peckerwoods have hypnotized Blacks and colored peoples to kill on their behalf.  When Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut kill your own people for this paper currency, you are not even doing it for real resources such as land, gold, diamonds, food, businesses, etc, but for paper debt that you will most likely be owing on until your physical death and passing on to your next of kin... how selfish and foolish of you . Once again destroying yourselves and your people in service to dead crakkkazzz who evidently still rule brainwashed Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut/Blacks from the grave, along with their alien offspring...damn :(


There are those who claim we have these evil, tortuous "foreign enemies" overseas and in other countries. These mysterious and elusive "enemies" are usually claimed to be "hiding out" in some non-descript settings and are said to be hard to find. Yet, the facts are, US (United States) of Amerikkka, was created by a bunch of spanish, french, european, and moorish, criminally insane rapists, thieves, murderers and degenerates who migrated to this already occupied land. Throughout their raping, pillaging and plundering of the natives here, as well as the Afurakan/Afuraitkaitnit that were transported here by several slave ships, such as the "good ship jesus" (Yeah. jeebus was used to kidnap and transport black people over into Amerikkka to hold as  prisoners of war and free labor). Now forward to what is known as "2015" on the white male's calendar, Amerikkka is inhabited by not only the descendants of the spanish, french and ...

Emotional Sterility

Emotional sterility: The inability to express intense or deep feelings; incapability to identify with the state of mind or personal thoughts of others; inability to connect with the emotional state of others. Emotional sterility can cause a person to be detached or cut off from a situation, often making a person insensitive or unable to identify with the emotions, thoughts or plights of others. What some may refer to as "coldblooded" or even "heartless". This can make such a person hold biases, opinions and perceptions about others in an unfair manner that may not be completely based in reality, if in reality at all. Such lack of affection or emotional distance can lead these ones who can be said to "have an icebox where their heart used to be" to suffer from clouded or tainted vision, as well as causing such ones to be one-sided or intolerant (prejudice) in a bigoted way. This can contribute to a person not being able to see the entire picture or the b...

Questionable Motives

I find it to be very interesting how people can have such biased, self-serving motives when it comes to who they think or feel is worth "saving" and "who is not" , based on physical characteristics, financial and/or material status, social popularity and the like. For instance, a black male seems to "run to the rescue" of a four foot nine/five foot, petite, sixty to seventy pounds, ex-pole dancer, prostitute, whore, porn actress, dissexual lesbian who used drugs, abused alcohol, stole from others on a constant basis and f*cked white men all up the @ss with dildos and strap ons, before these black males would even CONSIDER, AT ALL even acknowledging the life of a black female who may be of larger stature (height and/or weight wise), less "popular" or socially acceptable, therefore not considered as attractive or desirable to such judgemental males, henceforth, thought to be less important or unacceptable as a female, lady and woman. This la...