Energy, How It Affects Melanin (The Black Race) and the "Hidden" Agenda to Distort and Cut Off The Black Races Energy Sources (Melanin)
The reason why they are encouraging the use of lower wattage light bulbs. NOT because they are more "energy efficient" and "money savers" but because they emit less energy, therefore, less energy for melanated people to absorb, less energy for their bodies to feed off of and be strong. Same thing going on with HAARP effecting the weather and creating artificial clouds to block Black people off from the sun, a vital component of melanin based energy for carbon people.
It is ALWAYS cloudy where I live. You can hardly see the moon or the sun in my area, which just so happens to be an urban environment, for now anyways because they are in the middle of a gentrification process that they started on in 2012 and are halfway or slightly more or less finished with. They are still building, knocking down and rebuilding in this area and I see more and more unfamiliar faces in this area than were here three years ago or more. Guess what they look like? Hint:( N.O.T. B.L.A.C.K)
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