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War Crimes



What if you found out that your government (The United States, to be exact) was committing war crimes against American citizens/civilians? What if you discovered that they were paying off snitches and/or neighbors, family and or friends/peers to assist them in criminal acts against you and/or other innocent people? Even implanting agents around innocent people, suspected of nothing but being conscious and aware of the crimes committed by these militaristic criminals?? What if YOU happened to be the one being targeted with weapons that are only supposed to be used in wars against other countries at war with this government, but once again, you were made aware that these volatile, cruel, damaging and subtly dangerous weapons were being used against Americans being targeted by corrupt law enforcement officials and others in governmental and possibly corporate positions (elitists)?
One of the devices being used to torture and murder American citizens
One of the devices being used to torture and murder American citizens
It is VERY illegal and criminal to do something SO BRUTAL and damaging to the inhabitants of this land and then putting these devices in the hands of OTHER CIVILIANS/CITIZENS/INHABITANTS of the land who have no military position or clearance to possess such devices, LET ALONG USING THEM IN “NON-MILITARY” SITUATIONS IS ILLEGAL, CRIMINAL AND A WAR CRIME!!!! BE AWARE PEOPLE!!! WHETHER YOU KNOW IT OR NOT THESE CRIMINAL ACTS ARE BEING PERFORMED ON DEFENSELESS PEOPLE IN AMERIKKKA!!!!The ones involved feel that they cannot be caught because of who they are and because it is a covert act being performed by a bunch of cowardly psychopaths in positions of power in this country that are abusing their authority and paying desperate, greedy, filthbags to assist them in their crimes against humanity!

I suggest that whoever reads this to do your own research on electronic torture, covert military weaponry and tactics. I myself, could be a victim of this brutality, and ANYONE OF YOU COULD BE NEXT!


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