Ta-Muurians, Keep It Real-Your Very Life Depends On It

Not being your authentic self is a betrayal of soul. Not being your natural self brings misery, pain, confusion and death, in all forms (psychological, emotional, spiritual and physical). It brings disorder and imbalance into your inner world that eventually becomes your outer world (The pieces of Ausar (higher mind-spirit) representing the fragmenting of the Higher mind and its descent into its lower form -Set- (lower mind-physical) and it's energy becoming decadent, dysfunctional and disorderly. The eventual division of the original people and what we have become). 

Black woman, man, you are the first co-creators in this existence. What you speak and do becomes your reality. You being carbon beings (melanated) makes you the perfect vessels for ALL energies to inhabit within and then materialize. Please become aware of this. The Almighty Creative Force spoke everything into existence (The Word. "Then the Word came to be"), therefore you have that same ability.

 Just like it was in pre-dynastic and for a great deal of ancient times the Black peoples Divine world, where We ruled it all in balance and divinity, therefore we brought The Almighty Universal Energy (God) into our physical existence, before we started to stray away from our natural selves and then began the descent into our lower self and its eventual fracturing and regression into what many know as " hell" till this day. The devils and demons we have created through our negative thoughts, words and actions that we created through that descent into something other than ourselves. Now our lower minds creations have materialized into what we call the "white man and his wicked system". Now our devils and demons dominate (dominating us to our own injury). Now they possess us, control us and are destroying everything! We have to take back control of our natural minds Afrikan/Black people!!

We allowed these devils and demons in and now they have manifested into The Ultimate evil and very possible demise of our very existence. At least for most of the original peoples, if not all. We MUST do what is original, natural and in line with our original reality. We must embrace our natural ways, culture, spirituality and original way of life and inculcate all we have learned along our long, primordial journey to become stronger, better, experienced, learned and healthy, well beings. Let go of these devils and demons that have brought you so low. Return to your natural self. Get real, keep it real. Ashe, hotep, Uhuru, namaste, Black Power

Side note: When I speak of Africa, I use it for the purpose of aligning ALL black people throughout the diaspora to our original selves and purpose, no matter where we as a people happen to reside in this world and on this planet. Osiris is the green god of the west, so of course, the descendants of the Black Holocaust have things here to take care of and get in order. So...Get'er done;> 


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