Isolation of the Africans/Blacks---Sytematic Destruction of a People-Reloaded

Friday, August 22, 2014

Isolation of the Africans/Blacks---Sytematic Destruction of a People

Keeping Black people divided, "beefing" about unimportant non-issues. Preoccupying the Black race with brainwashing, hypnotizing media that ingrain and manipulate deep-seated insecurities and fears that constantly create low self-esteem and complexes.

Encouraging colorism, classism, misogyny and just plain old self hate throughout the Diaspora. Making us easy, unprotected targets for our enemies. REFUSING TO UNITE failing to realize its importance in our safety and continuance of life as a nation of people (The African Nation) on this planet. Beingperpetual peter pans and slaves to the other races of people who learned the keys to survival a long time ago. Which is why they have nations, strength and power while the African/Black race DOES NOT. So we lag, suffer and get left behind.

The only ones who can or will change the conditions, plight and destiny of the Africans is THE AFRICANS!!! No one else has a reason to save or supportus because every other people benefit from our lack and suffering as well as our isolation from one another and our faulty, false sense of individualism.UNITE and BLACK POWER!!!

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